Babywearing Wednesday


Eeeek! Today I just wanted to share this little tidbit of important information on what type of carriers are best for baby. There is a lot of information floating around about hip dysplasia, but I’ve found this article to be most helpful when it comes to choosing a carrier. I think the picture does a pretty good job of explaining what to look for! 😉

Happy babywearing!

“Man in a Hurry” by Tom Nelson

This is a letter our pastor sent to everyone, and my husband and I found it particularly encouraging. I hope you enjoy it as well!

Man in a Hurry

Proverbs 27:23-27 (NASB)


23 Know well the condition of your flocks,

      And pay attention to your herds;

24 For riches are not forever,

      Nor does a crown endure to all generations.

25 When the grass disappears, the new growth is seen,

      And the herbs of the mountains are gathered in,

26 The lambs will be for your clothing,

      And the goats will bring the price of a field,

27 And there will be goats’ milk enough for your food,

      For the food of your household,

      And sustenance for your maidens.


Here is a fascinating word from the wealthiest man in the world, King Solomon, to a group of men who were hand to mouth on the bottom of the nation’s social register – shepherds.  Shepherds would no doubt have spent much of their day dreaming about the splendor of life in the king’s palace in Jerusalem.  When they took Sunday drives with their family they would have moseyed by the palace and wondered what the privileged were doing on their day off.


But Solomon gives a caution to them.  “Look well to your flocks.”  This simply means “don’t be discontent and envious in your job but do it diligently and excellently.”  His reason?  “Riches are not forever and splendor will not endure.”  It means, “Do not be misled by what I have because it won’t last.  It’s highly overrated.  It’s only temporary.”


But shepherds in the following verses have all they need: food, milk, covering, land, a home, wife and family.  Solomon exhorts them to contentment and to the delight of the simple life: the uncomplicated life.  The contented life, uncluttered and uncomplicated by the complexity that Solomon faced each day; the complexity and ambition that robbed him of the joy of life.  That which brought pain to his father, David, and death to his brothers, Amnon, Absolam, and Adonijah.  Solomon watched his father’s home and his own.  Though unimaginably wealthy Solomon never knew a happy, peaceful, and simple life.  It’s as if he is envious of his shepherds.  Who knows that he did not hear stories of the pastoral life from his father and long for a quiet life.  This passage is Citizen Kane’s “rosebud.”


I have heard that a study was once done on happiness – what group of people were the happiest.  The answer?  The Amish.  They had the final answers from their religion.  They had a strong family.  They were communal – meaning they had a strong community of friends and were never at the risk of being alone and were separated from much of the societal corruption.  But a main reason is that their life was simple, uncomplicated, debt free, and non-stressed.  Makes sense.  It’s why we love Thomas Kinkade’s art.  It is restful.  Peaceful.  Simple.  Safe.  Warm.  Protected.  Quiet.


Solomon said, “Enjoy the simple pleasures.”  David would say the same.  “I have not involved myself in matters too lofty for me.  I have composed and quieted my soul like a weaned child against his mother.” (Ps 131)


Like man in the garden, with a job to do, and a family (the start of one anyway) and food, and a God he walks with in the cool of the day.  Adam.  Man.


I like…


…the dark of the early morning with good coffee and the Bible before me on an unmarked page.


…to sit in the evening on our patio (i.e. a concrete slab from a pre-existing migrant house left over from a pre-existing chicken farm) surrounded by our garden with a cup of coffee, visiting in the cool with Teresa, along with our 2 dogs, 2 cats, and 3 chickens – sweet!


…sitting behind the first base dugout at a Ranger game with friends, eating a Nolan Ryan burger and watching the best play the greatest game.


…the quiet of evening and a really good book.


…Kind of Blue by Miles Davis


…grandkids, any or all, anyplace that will allow them to be yelled at.


…a clear conscience (without which all the rest are dulled).


…a Saturday morning with nothing scheduled. A garden waiting.


…rain…sitting on the porch.


…Law and Order on a Saturday morning with Jack McCoy, Lenny and Green.


…any gym.


…a used bookstore…browsing…discovering treasures.


…an antique store…majoring in the 50’s and 60’s…as I am an antique.


…sitting down to a brown bag with folks in the church I don’t know but am about to know and digging into the uniqueness that makes them, well, them!


…going west in a pickup with huntin’ buddies to sit under a mesquite tree on a cool September afternoon and wait for the doves to come over.


You know what I’ve observed?  Life is what you do on the way to your ambitions.  We dream and labor and build and maintain then get old and downsize and move back into the same square footage as our first house then retire and delight in sipping ice tea and scratchin’ the cat and then think “deja vu.”  “Oh yeah, I did this in college.  That sure was nice.”  Still is.


Ambition is o.k. So is attainment.  But enjoy the ride.  Smell the roses.  Remember that Revelation 22:1-5, the eternal state, is in the country and in the shade, a picnic with family.


American-ism demands that we succeed and success means money that requires attaining which means dreaming, planning, initiating, persevering, and succeeding. Thanks to gas we can travel – fast. Thanks to Thomas Edison we turn night into day.  A day life and night life.  A Sunday is a day free to plan more.  We are Americans. Individuals with a capital “I”.  In fact, early visitors from England recognized this of Americans – in a hurry, a place to go, dreams to realize, failure to avert.  But we wear down.  All careers just become jobs.  “Splendor will not endure.”


What do you look forward to each day?


Do you know what the Hebrew word is for “delight”?



                                    Carpe Diem.





On Father's Day

To the most selfless, hard-working, deep-loving, strongest, sweetest, gentlest, most wonderful man I could ever know,

to the man who stayed by my side through hours and hours of labor,

to the man who comes home from working all day and lays in the floor to play with a little baby girl,

to the man who forgives and forgets and then forgives again,

to the best daddy our sweet Rosebud could have,

Thank you for taking care of your little charge so faithfully. I am a better person because I know you, and Rosebud will be blessed because you are her father. (Pr 20:7)

Happy Father’s Day, sweetheart.


Babywearing Wednesday

Well, I had this post all typed out and ready to go yesterday, but Rosebud was not having it. I’m not sure if she has a tooth coming in, if her tummy hurts, or if she’s just frustrated because she can only seem to scoot backwards, but she’s just been a huge ball of fuss. I know all you Moms understand- some days just seem impossible, and yesterday was one of those days. So, let’s all step back, take a deep breath, and pretend it’s Wednesday….

The other day, my to-do list included:

  • Unloading/reloading the dishwasher
  • Picking up the apartment
  • Making the bed
  • Sweeping/Vacuuming


Normally, these things would take me all day, and I was actually lucky if they all got done. I’m a new Mom with an almost-5-month-old who is requiring more and more attention each day. And while she is my priority, these simple things really all needed to be done.

Usually if I needed to keep Rosebud on me I would wrap her up in the Moby or the Hot Mama and get to work. I eventually found that these stretchy wraps are wonderful if you’re going to be walking for a while at the mall, or the park, or the grocery store, but they are not for housework. They also worked better when Rose was smaller. I could hardly bend over to clean anything without her feeling insecure or sliding down to an uncomfortable position.

But now, we have the Ergo. (Cue the singing angels!)


Let’s take a moment and realize that my life is not picture perfect and some days I just don’t brush my hair, okay?

After quiet time and breakfast, I threw Rosebud in the Ergo in the back carry position. She was unsure at first, but once I got busy, she enjoyed the ride! She even fell asleep! The best part was, my chores for the day were done before lunch. Because my hands and arms were free, I was able to complete my to-do list quickly and efficiently.

I have been a lot of things since becoming a Mom: exhausted, excited, joyful, busy… but never bored. The afternoon after completing my chores, I have to say… I got a little bored! My plans for the day were all done! Of course, I quickly got over that boredom and caught up on some reading. 😉 It was marvelous!

So, for this Babywearing Wednesday (or Thursday), I wanted to share with you my deep love for the Ergo, and encourage you to try one if you haven’t! We have a special bond, the Ergo Performance and I… and I know there is a wonderful carrier out there waiting for you! 😉


DIY Chalkboard – Cheap!


Sometimes I like to pretend I’m crafty. I have drawers and boxes full of fabric, paint, ribbon, glue, and all sorts of odds and ends to prove it. There have been a few times where I have actually been proud of the finished project…

This chalkboard was one of them. It turned out much better than I expected! Plus, it was very cheap to make. Bonus points!

Want to know how to make it? Let’s start with the paint.

What you’ll need:

Black Acrylic paint
-Hit up Hobby Lobby and check the clearance, or take their always-available %40 off coupon! I’ve heard Michael’s
takes competitor coupons if you don’t have a HobLob nearby.)

Dry Non-Sanded Tile Grout
-Um, what? Yeah. Go to Lowes, Home Depot, or your local hardware store and just ask for it. They’ll know what
you’re looking for and you won’t spend 30 minutes wandering the wrong aisles like I did. 🙂

That’s it! Well, for the paint.

                      vscocam21 vscocam22

Mix together 1.5 tsp dry tile grout with just more than 1/4 cup paint. It will be gritty, but all those grains will even out when you paint it on your board.

    vscocam18 vscocam19


I chose to use a cheap foam board from Hobby Lobby (coupon!), and a great oval-shaped empty picture frame I found at a great place my sisters and I fondly refer to as “The Dump.” It was perfectly shabby-chic’d when I bought it. You can get creative with this part! You could also use an old mirror, the glass on a picture frame you don’t use, a piece of wood, or go find yourself an empty old frame and some foam board like I did.


Depending on your medium of choice, you will need 1-3 coats of paint. Let it dry between coats, and really be sure to spread out all those little grains!

Once you are done painting, take a piece of chalk and rub it on its side over the entire board, and then erase. This preps the chalkboard for all your sweet notes and cute doodles.

I attached my chalkboard to the back of my frame, hung it up, and voila! 🙂

Sidenote: this quote is inspired by James 3. Today I read about saturating your home with Scripture by putting it all over the place, and I think this was a good start. Now, with all of my leftover grout and paint, I think I’ll make a few more chalkboards and put up a few more verses. Fill your pond with sweet water, people! Abide in His word by literally putting it always before your eyes. AND, have fun creating the means to do so! 😉

Happy crafting!

Dear Rosebud,

Today you are 19 weeks old.


The past two weeks you have been all about your toes. You have “found your end” and you seem to really enjoy it! A couple of days ago you managed to get your toes all the way up to your mouth. You are impressively flexible!


 Yesterday Daddy and I laid on the floor with you and cheered you on while you worked so hard trying to roll from your back to your tummy. You’ve aaalllmmmost got it! You’d get rolled onto your side and then you were stuck. You have the cutest little determined/frustrated face.

You’re also starting to suck your thumb a bit. I think I’m okay with that, considering you won’t take a pacifier! You chew on your fingers a lot while we read books, play with toys, sit at the table… Pretty much all the time!


You are the most precious little heart. I love every minute with you. I can’t wait to see what you’ll do next!


Babywearing Wednesday!

Before Rosebud was born, I knew I wanted to try “wearing” her. I had seen several different kinds of wraps, slings, and carriers, but I didn’t know which was best. There are so many options!

The two I’ve fallen in love with so far are the Moby Wrap and the Ergobaby Carrier.

Wearing Rosebud has made day-to-day life so much easier. (Who doesn’t want that??) I’ve worn her to the grocery store, doing housework, at the lake, and even to a couple weddings! Every Wednesday, I want to share some baby-wearing inspiration with you! Whether it’s something I’ve learned from wearing Rose or something I’ve found that I thought was helpful/cute/practical/awesome, I’m going to share it with you!


I’ll start with this picture Kip took of Rose and I at the lake last weekend at our family reunion. He bought the Ergobaby Performance Carrier for me for my birthday, and it is perfect for summertime wearing. It is easy to get on and off by myself, and Rosebud loves riding in it. It is made with a lightweight, breathable material and has a vent on baby’s back to keep her cool. It has a hood for sun/wind protection, nursing privacy, and head support if baby falls asleep. We wore her all over the state park and even did a little swinging. 🙂

Do you wear your baby? What carrier(s) do you prefer?

I don’t know about you…

But I’m feelin’ 22!

Oh, Taylor Swift. I love to love you.

Things have been quiet here on the blog, but busy in our real-life lives. Wanna see what’s been going on?

First, our friends Breanne and Kendall came to stay with us for several days as part of their “Tour de Tejas” before they move to Brazil as missionaries. Yes, they are jungle people and we love them for it. Here they are all dressed up:


But anyone who knows them knows that this is the real Breanne and Kendall:



Their hearts have always been in missions, and now they are getting to take that love for people and move it to the Amazon. Breanne has been my closest friend since we met in college in 2010, and Kendall has become a brother to me. We are going to miss them both like crazy.


While they were visiting, we got to see another dear friend be married in Dallas! We got Rosebud all dressed up to attend her second wedding. She made it through almost the entire wedding without protesting, but she just couldn’t hold her peace for the whole thing!

4 months old!

A few days after we said goodbye to Breanne and Kendall, my 22nd birthday rolled around. My Mom came over that morning to hang out while Rosebud slept so hubs & I could slip out for a breakfast date before he had to go to work.


We ended up eating breakfast and then walking over to our favorite book store to buy some things for Rosebud. 🙂
After birthday lunch and coffee with my parents, we headed over to a friend’s new house for a swim!


Rosie was so cute in her little swimsuit. Sadly it rained like 5 minutes after we got in the pool. Texas weather, y’all.


The following weekend we drove up to Oklahoma for a family reunion!


 It was the first time for Rosebud to meet her great-grandmother, whom she is named after. Look how much they love each other!


We had so much fun at the lake, enjoying sunsets, swimming pools, and sweet family. We took Rosie for her first “real” swim (longer than a couple minutes) and she loved it. She laughed and splashed the whole time. We even got a little nap in she shade by the pool. Of course I’m a bad Mom and didn’t take any pictures. Wah. We were too busy having fun!



Also, check out my birthday present from the hubs! An Ergo Sport Carrier! Eeeek! (More on that later!)

All that to say, we’ve had a fun and busy two weeks. What have I missed in your world?

Love, H

Dear Rosebud,

IMG_2297This week you are 16 weeks old. You have taught me more in these last four months than any person has taught me in my entire life. Without you I would not know this depth of love, this height of awe, or this weight of responsibility.

Realizing your life depends on mine gives me goosebumps. I’ve never been a selfless person, but with you I have no choice- I can’t help but put you first. I’ve never been a truly loving person, but with you I can’t help it- I would give my life for yours with no hesitation. I’ve never been a morning person- but with you, I definitely have no choice. 😉 It is my joy to wake up to your smiles and babbles.


To think that you are my child. My little lamb. My charge.

To think that I am God’s child. His little lamb. His charge. To think that he loves me with this same immense love I have for you, and beyond even that? I can’t, almost don’t, believe it. But I have to.

You’ll never fully understand this love, but you’ll enjoy it and return it the best you know how. To me and to God. And a little while from now, if and when the Lord brings you a little life of your own, you’ll get this same glimpse of Heaven I’m getting right now.


But right now, you’re mine to love. Mine and your Daddy’s. Also, I have to tell you how cute your Daddy is. He loves you. He calls you “Baybeh” and likes to make you”fly” like an airplane. You love it and it gives me a heart attack. Daddy also lays in your play-gym with you and reads you stories from the Bible. You smile at him a lot.

This month you’ve had lots of adventures! A trip to Granny’s house (you just started teething and want to chew on everything), your first trip to the Denton Arts & Jazz Festival

IMG_2252(you screamed), your first time to reach for something, your first time to swing outside (which you seemed to like :)), your first time to grab your toes. We celebrated Daddy’s birthday and you even went to your first garage sale. 🙂 We’ve also had a couple “play-dates” with friends you’ve had since you were all in your Mommies’ tummies. About a week ago your Nana and Pa came back home from Romania, and to complete your fourth month of life, your Aunt Breesey and Uncle Kendall came to stay with us for a few days before they move to the Amazon to be missionaries. You have lots of missionary family, ya know.


You certainly are one loved little girl. We adore each precious minute we get with you.

Happy 4 month birthday, Rosebud.



Pregnancy in Hindsight


My sister entertaining me during early labor. 😉

Pregnancy is such a good season of life. It grows a woman in more ways than the size of her belly. When I first saw those little pink lines on a pregnancy test, I had no idea what to do next. What books should I read? What clothes do I wear when I start to show? Can I drink this Dr Pepper? Well, thankfully I have a great resource in my sister, Bambi (who blogs over at In the Nursery of the Nation), and she handed over some great books and thoughtful advice.

In hindsight, there are a couple things I’m glad I read and continually referred back to. There are also a few things I wish I had done while our bun was in the oven.

Here are the resources I found most helpful:

  1. “The Naturally Healthy Pregnancy” by Shonda Parker. This was my go-to book for info on diet, vitamins, herbs, etc.
  2. This Post on “What to Wear during Pregnancy”
    “Walking With Dancers” is one of my favorite blogs. She is honest, encouraging, and a captivating writer. I first
    discovered her blog when I re-pinned a pin to this article on Pinterest. Pin pin pin. Pin. (Is that enough “pins?”)
    She  gives some great ideas of what is best to wear for each trimester.
  3. I’ve mentioned this before, but I’ll say it again! If you are pregnant, watch The Business of Being Born.
  4. Maybe the most helpful tool I found was other Moms. The more recent the Mama, the better. 😉 Some people drove me crazy telling me their experiences (mostly how late their babies were… an overdue Mother does not appreciate your heartfelt story of your 2-months-late-delivery), but many were very helpful and encouraging when it came to random little questions or concerns I had. Find a community of Mamas and make some friends!
One of the last pictures of be at my biggest. Eek!

One of the last pictures of be at my biggest. Eek!

And here are a few things I will do next time around, Lord willing:

  1. I will stay active. I will walk with the stroller, continue Pilates, and/or find a prenatal yoga class. I will build strength and stamina for labor, which was exhausting!
  2. I will eat more. Yes, I said more! Towards the end of pregnancy I wasn’t eating very well. I honestly just wasn’t always hungry, but I think it’s because I wasn’t active. I will follow a more consistent diet.
  3. Towards the end of pregnancy and during labor, I will walk more. Especially during labor, next time around I want to try to walk more through contractions. I think my birth with Rosebud could have moved a lot faster if I had been up and about, using gravity to help bring her down.
  4. Lastly, I will buy more nursing bras. End of story.

What were some resources you found helpful for pregnancy or birth? Let me know in the comments! (Ya know, for next time around! ;))